Does your turf really need upkeep and maintenance?
It sure does. Turf is commonly sold as a "set it and forget it" product which is too bad because it's not totally accurate. Synthetic turf requires periodic brushing, decompaction, de-weeding, re-sanding, and deep cleansing - especially if your kids or pets are running around on it.
Turf Maintenance
We all know that Turf is less maintenance and water use than real grass, but even the best artificial turf isn't maintenance-free. You've made a big investment, one that you will enjoy for years to come. Let us help you properly maintain that investment and keep your turf looking like new.
Now you probably will not want to brush for the first 2-3 months after installation, so that the sand infill can properly settle into the turf, but once the infill has settled, you will need to brush your turf on a consistent basis.
Everyone hates weeding. That may be one of the many reasons you went to artificial turf in the first place. Now, artificial turf may drastically reduce any unwanted weeds, but it may not eliminate them permanently. So, you will want to keep an eye out for those pesky weeds and keep them off your turf.
Other debris may cause damage to your turf, or just keep it from looking its best. So, consistent with your regular brushing and weeding, other debris (trash, sticks, limbs, toys, etc.) should be removed.
Life is lived on your turf, heck that’s what it's for. But, while life is being lived, spills and stains are bound to happen. Our artificial turf is impenetrable to dirt, water, and other substances, but they can still be hard to clean the longer you let them sit. To clean these spills or stains, use hot soapy water.
Let your kids and pets loose in the yard without worrying about what germs they'll pick up from your artificial grass. Choose a turf cleaner that plays well with others. TOF Turf uses OxyTurf's hydrogen peroxide-based formula, which has been proven effective against microbes like H1N1, influenza, and Staph without exposing your kids or pets to chemical overkill. OxyTurf kills 99.9% of germs.
PETS: Your cat's favorite sun patch. Your dog's favorite place to roll around. These outdoor areas are ideal areas for bacteria. Don't let germs from your furry friends' droppings spray, and slobber gets trapped in your turf.
POOLSIDE: Standing water from pools, fountains, and water features bake in the sun, creating a lovely little hamlet for germs to bloom. Attack that bacteria before you're swimming in it.
PLAY AREA: Where kids play, grime thrives. Disinfect those hot zones in your turf so your family can get back to the fun.
Used to clean: Golf Courses, Putting Greens, Baseball fields, Football fields, Soccer Fields, Tennis Courts, Dog Runs, Kids’ play areas, Employee break areas, City Parks, Kennels, Batting Cages, Commercial Landscaping, Residential Landscaping, Vet Hospitals, and more.
Now, let’s move into having us clean it for you.
TOF Turf and Outdoors have trained professionals who can come to you and clean your turf and having it look new. We offer single cleanings or get a discounted rate by signing up for a monthly or bi-weekly cleaning. Contact us today for a free quote.
Rather clean it yourself? TOF has cleaning supplies on hand, and we deliver them to you within 48 hours on most deliveries.